Marketing in Healthcare
Course description
The course is oriented on the practical understanding of marketing in healthcare in a publicly financed healthcare system. The first focus of the course is to understand marketing in the context of the healthcare needs of the population. The second focus is to present and actively discuss practical case studies from publicly financed systems using the 7P marketing mix: product, price, promotion, place, people, processes, physical environment. As a key result, students are expected to prepare, as a group, a 7P marketing mix on a healthcare entity of their own choice.
Course objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Understand the marketing mix (7P) in the publicly financed healthcare system
- Apply a marketing mix (7P) to a healthcare entity of the students’ own choice
Course topics
- Healthcare needs of the population
- Marketing in a publicly financed system
- Marketing mix 7P
- Product
- Price
- Promotion
- Place
- People
- Processes
- Physical Environment
- Active participation
- Group project / presentation
Number of credits
3 ECTS credits

Peter Pažitný, Ph.D.
Peter Pažitný is the head of the Institute of Healthcare Management at the Faculty of Management. His field of research focuses on healthcare system performance, and healthcare management and marketing. He teaches courses focused on the economic evaluation of healthcare programs, organization and management of healthcare services and services marketing. He has worked more than 19 years in the healthcare business and during this time he was an advisor to the Minister of Health in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary and as independent expert provided consultancy services to international organizations (The World Bank, WHO, European Commission), governments, health insurance companies, providers, investors, and other stakeholders in the healthcare industry.

Daniela Kandilaki, Ph.D.
Daniela Kandilaki is a research fellow and lecturer in the field of health care management at the Faculty of Management, Prague University of Economics and Business. She has held management positions at various healthcare providers. Since 2014, she cooperates with the World Health Organization on the project of financial protection in health care systems. Since 2017, she is a member of The Health Systems and Policy Monitor, which is an innovative platform that provides healthcare systems analysis.